BAADER – 100 Years

Innovating Food Value Chains

Discover exciting events and stories from the last 100 years of BAADER along an interactive timeline with frequent updates during our jubilee year


Nordischer Maschinenbau Lübeck

First World War is over. There is social unrest and the economy is slow to pick up in 1919. Against all the odds, inspired and supported by his father-in-law Paul Lohrmann, 34-year-old engineer Rudolph Max Joseph Baader sets up a company to build machinery for fast and efficient fish processing. As a business idea, it is a good fit for Luebeck, which has a long tradition in the food, canning and fishing industries. Food was in short supply during the war, but now the fishing industry is about to make a fresh start. Feeding the population is a key objective at this time.

Founder Rudolph M.J. Baader

Rudolph Baader, who was born in Leipzig, has been married since 1913 to Ella Lohrmann, the daughter of Paul Lohrmann, who owns a fish-canning factory in Luebeck. Lohrmann is looking for ways to improve fish processing and fixes on his son-in-law. Rudolf Baader gained considerable experience before the war, working as a mechanical engineer in Chemnitz – as well as in Switzerland and France – and, more recently, in Hamburg. Shortly after the end of the war, Lohrmann invites his son-in-law to Luebeck to develop machines. Rudolph Baader seizes the opportunity. His pioneering technical developments mark the start of the Nordischer Maschinenbau Lübeck Rud. Baader KG success story.

First company building at Wakenitzmauer 33 in Luebeck
Same building seen from Kanalstrasse

The Founding

Rudolph Max Joseph Baader founds his company with the idea of ​​a manual labor-saving, efficient automation of fish processing

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A First Step Towards Automation

Technical progress and mechanisation increase around 1920. The first cars are being driven on the roads, and assembly line production is transforming trade and industry. The fish industry, however, is still largely dominated by manual labour. Rudolph Baader is familiar with the cold buildings of the Lohrmann fish-canning factory, where herring is headed, skinned and filleted on long tables. The work is laborious and inefficient. Demand for processed fish could be higher but supply and sales remain limited.

Tough conditions: Manuel herring processing at the beginning of the last century

This is something Rudolph Baader is determined to change: he wants to improve and rationalise fish processing and strengthen fish sales by replacing manual tasks with machines.

The first heading and deboning machine for hering

So far, there are no fish processing machines that can carry out more than one task. Rudolph Baader is a pioneer entering uncharted territory. As an engineer, he knows that all attempts at mechanisation have foundered on one central problem: how to transport the fish to the individual processing units within the machine. Baader finds an ingenious solution, which is patented in April 1921: the fish are fixed to tail clips, which then transport them to the individual units. The first filleting machines for herring are manufactured and sold as early as 1921. In 1922, Baader presents its 450 model at the Luebeck fisheries exhibition.

BAADER employees setting up a machine
BAADER assembly hall in the early 1920s

First Filleting Machine

The fish industry is dominated by manual labour, something Rudolph M.J. Baader is determined to change

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The Revolution Comes for Breakfast

Rudolph Baader designs fish processing machines but is also interested in fish recipes. Until now, fish – mainly herring – has been prepared traditionally, but in several different ways. As a low-cost food, it is widespread inland as well as on the coast. Now, new types of fish, such as cod, saithe and other whitefish, are appearing on the market. They are usually sold fresh, whole and only in limited quantities. The fish are too big for many households and people are also put off by the effort involved in preparing them. Above all, whole fish are difficult to transport for sale in non-coastal regions. As a result, large quantities are turned into fish meal, which means they are no longer available for human consumption.

Excerpt from a brochure describing the production of ‘Frühstücks-Fisch’ (Eng. Breakfast-Fish), the fist – prepackaged – fish fillet

Rudolph Baader thinks about solutions to this problem. If, while still at the dockside, the fish could be turned into a product that was ready to cook, it would be more attractive to many customers and sales could be increased. In order to achieve this, the fish would have to be gutted, headed, filleted, skinned and halved. In 1925, Baader sets up Fischfilet GmbH and a distribution company called Tütenfisch AG (Eng. ‘Fish in a Bag’). Soon the fishmongers sell the first filleted herring in bags – the so-called ‘Frühstücks-Fisch’ (Eng. Breakfast Fish). The fish fillet is born – and with it a product that will revolutionise the market. It takes a while for it to prevail, as still much manual work is required. But Rudolph Baader recognises its potential as a pioneering product and his machines are a good way to process fish quickly and efficiently. This paves the way for spreading the fish fillet, prepackaged or freshly processed.

“In the hotel and for the kids, for breakfast fish”; advertising for ‘Frühstücks-Fisch‘ (Eng. Breakfast Fish)

Birth of the Fish Fillet

"In the hotel and for the kids, for breakfast fish”

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BAADER is Changing the British Market

In the second half of the Roaring Twenties, demand for fish and processing machines increases. From Luebeck, BAADER not only supplies customers along the German coastline but also sells machines abroad.

Transport of BAADER machines in 1926

In Britain, one model in particular proves very popular: a herring processing machine specially developed to produce the kippers so popular with the British. Kippers are gutted herring that are split lengthwise along the back, leaving the bones inside. In Germany, kippers are known as ‘Fleckhering’. In 1927, Rudolph Baader cooperates with Fisadco (Fish Industrial and Development Company Ltd, London) in Aberdeen, Scotland as the first BAADER agency abroad.

Mr. Rowton (left), BAADER agent in England, with Rudolph Baader

Around the same time, BAADER brings out two klipfish machines. These cut up large whitefish, such as cod and haddock. The BAADER 414 heads them, while the BAADER 420 splits them and removes some of the bones. The klipfish is one step closer to becoming a fish fillet.

Advertisment of a manufacturer for boned kippers in England, 1928

Newspaper article about the change of the British home market from traditional to boned kippers, 1928

However, the fishing season is short – restricted to the summer and autumn – and afterwards the herring-processing machines stand idle for months. The seasonal workers do not make much of an effort to maintain them because the machines also put their jobs at risk. The company keeps receiving complaints. In 1929, Rudolph Baader decides to stop selling the machines and to hire them out for the season instead. Delivery, servicing and repairs by the company’s own mechanicsare included in the hire price. At the end of the season, the machines are given a complete overhaul. This modern hire and service scheme, the invention of leasing and carefree service, goes down well with customers. In addition to Germany and England, BAADER machines will soon also be used in the Netherlands, Belgium and France. Thus, the Roaring turn into Golden Twenties for BAADER.

The Roaring Twenties

The invention of leasing and carefree service increase the demand for fish processing machinery – international expansion begins

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Providing Food for the Population

The start of the World War II in September 1939 marks a critical turning point for the company. BAADER machines are in demand not only in Germany, but also in other parts of the world. Russian fishing trawlers are fitted with BAADER 420 klipfish machines for splitting fish open ready for salting and drying. And there are even trawlers with BAADER machines off the coast of Africa and in the Pacific. When war breaks out, it puts an end to most of this successful international business.

Drawing of a BAADER 420 klipfish machine

Rudolph Baader (left) on board of a Russian fish trawler before the outbreak of war

Rudolph Baader needs again to concentrate on the domestic fish market, which has a key role to play in feeding the population during the war. However, although demand is growing, there is a shortage of workers because the men are being called up for military service or assigned to jobs in the arms industry. Now there is an increase in the use of BAADER fish processing machines in order to provide food for the population.

BAADER is now classed as a strategic company that is vital for feeding the population. This means that BAADER’s skilled workers can continue working in ue. It also means that the company is assured supplies of raw materials and equipment. BAADER has to turn some of its production capacity over to the arms industry – particularly the manufacture of precision parts for aircraft. With the end of the war, BAADER can stop producing aircraft parts and concentratescompletely on making fish processing machines.

During the War

World War II ends BAADER's international business, but the production can somehow continue

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Breakthrough with the BAADER 99

Rudolph Baader’s breakthrough in mechanical whitefish filleting comes courtesy of the legendary BAADER 99 filleting machine, which goes into production in 1951. The machine can be installed onboard ships, turning fishing vessels into factory ships. For BAADER, this marks the start of a new, successful period in the company’s history. But the journey to this point has been a long one: Rudolph Baader has been thinking about the idea of a ‘fish fillet’ ever since he invented pre-packaged ‘fish in a bag’ in 1925. He is firmly convinced that fish fillet – pure fish flesh without head, bones or skin, ready to be sold and cooked – could improve food supplies from the oceans. Filleting is a way of making use of the abundance of whitefish.

Group photo with the BAADER 99: on the top Rudolf G.T. Baader (son of Rudolph M.J. Baader)

Baader’s first machines for removing bones and producing klipfish are steps along the path to the fish fillet. But the klipfish – fish with skin and some bones left in – is not a real fish fillet. Rudolph Baader continues working tirelessly to develop mechanical filleting. Even during the Second World War, pilot machines are used on land and onboard fishing vessels. The main problem generally is the varying size of the fish. Baader and his team spend a long time looking for a practical solution. Finally, with the BAADER 99, they find one for whitefish: using cam disks developed empirically by BAADER, the filleting machine decides for itself how big the fish is and makes the necessary adjustments automatically. First-generation machines can process fish between 50 and 120 cm long.

The BAADER 99 from the inside

Once the BAADER 99 system has been successfully trialed on British trawlers in 1950, small-scale production starts in 1951. These few machines turn into a lasting success story. Soon, the BAADER 99 and its successors and sister models are producing fish fillets in fish factories and, above all, on fish trawlers all over the world. The BAADER 99 sets the company on its way to becoming one of the leading manufacturers of fish-processing machines. Rudolph Baader, the company’s founder, only lives to see the early days of his machine’s success. He dies on 23 June 1953. After his death, his 24-year-old son, Rudolf G. T. Baader takes over the company together with other family members.

Founder Rudolph M. J. Baader

Breakthrough with the BAADER 99

With the scale production of the BAADER 99 filleting machine comes the international breakthrough for BAADER

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Successful factory and story setting

In 1959, Nordischer Maschinenbau Luebeck features in a humorous, satirical short story written by Siegfried Lenz. The story is published in the ‘Welt’arts supplement, where Lenz used to work as a cub reporter and editor. The 32-year-old writer has already caused a stir in 1955 with his collection of short stories ‘So zärtlich war Suleyken, but is still in the early stages of his writing career.

The story ‘Der Amüsierdoktor’ (‘Doctor Fun’), from the collection ‘Das Feuerschiff’, takes place in a factory that produces fish-processing machines such as filleting and deboning machines. It is unmistakeably BAADER. The first-person narrator, the fictitious ‘Doctor Fun’, is tasked with amusing and selling to customers all over the world. ‘Happy people – happy deals’ the director is supposed to have advised him. In the story, the company sells ‘highly skilled, sensitive machines’ that appeal to customers worldwide. Here too, the parallels to BAADER are clear. In the end, Doctor Fun succeeds in selling a machine to a critical, bad-tempered customer from the Aleutian Islands – a remote group of islands between the USA and the USSR. It is the ‘Robespierre Model’, facetiously named after the French revolutionary who was executed in 1794. The company claims the machine is capable of turning ‘a two-metre-long tuna fish into fish cutlets in four seconds, and producing fascinating cuts.’

How Siegfried Lenz obtained his deep insights into BAADER’s operations has not been recorded. It is clear, however, that in 1959 Nordischer Maschinenbau Lübeck is at a high point in its development. The factory at 33 Wakenitzmauer in the city centre is bursting at the seams. BAADER builds a new factory on the outskirts and moves into a modern site on Geniner Strasse, which includes a production hall with a very modern saw-tooth roof and 9,000 square metres of floor space. The story of BAADER’s success probably travels the 80 km to Hamburg, where it inspires the young journalist and writer Siegfried Lenz to write a story.

A view of the new headquarter in 1960

Entrance hall at Geniner Strasse 249 in 1960

New assembly hall in 1960

New production hall in 1960

Showcase for World Literature

BAADER becomes scene for a satirical and humorous short story, while the company's success leads to a new modern factory

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BAADER-Anlagenbau GmbH in Bremerhaven

By the mid-1960s, using machines to process fish has become a well-established practice – in the fish factories on the coast, but also and especially on trawlers. Rudolf Baader thinks further: could mechanical fish processing be expanded? He plans machines that can transport the freshly caught fish, process them and pack frozen fish fillets. To do this, BAADER sets up BAADER-Anlagenbau GmbH in Bremerhaven in 1965. At this new production site near the fishing port in Bremerhaven, the company builds additional machinery to carry out pre- and post-processing tasks. This includes fish-washing facilities, cooling tunnels, steaming equipment and handling devices.

Horizontal bulk packer BA 740

Conveyor belts from BAADER Anlagenbau

With the machines from Lübeck and the plant machinery from Bremerhaven, BAADER now offers complete fish-production facilities. The site at the Bremerhaven fishing port is in a good location. Shipowners appreciate the fast service – their vessels do not have to spend long time in port when they need to rebuild machines or fit additional fish-processing machinery.

Flash cooker from BAADER Anlagenbau

For BAADER, the 1960s is a time of growth and the company expands its service centres in Bremerhaven, Hamburg-Altona and Cuxhaven, as well as the Bremerhaven production site. With full order books, Rudolf Baader decides to provide for the future and creates additional business pillars. In Luebeck, BAADER starts making packaging machines – including machines for customers outside the fish industry. Machinery made in Bremerhaven, including cooling and steam tunnels, is sold to customers in the meat and canning industries. In 1969, BAADER also enters the press separator business. These are machines that separate soft and hard elements, particularly meat from bone, and they open up another business segment for BAADER. The manufacturer of fish-processing machines is on its way to becoming a company that manufactures a much broader range of machines.

The first seperator BA 695

The story of BAADER-Anlagenbau GmbH in Bremerhaven ends with the sale at the beginning of the millennium. At this time, all fish activities are transferred to Luebeck.

The building of BAADER Anlagenbau GmbH in Bremerhaven

Product Diversification

For the first time BAADER becomes a complete solution provider and develops unique separator technology

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Diversifying into Poultry Processing

A key feature of the company’s development is its close connection to a natural resource, fish, and the seasonal availability this entails. The introduction of fishing quotas further increases volatility. BAADER seeks to break its dependence on seasonal business early on and looks for other business areas to offset it.

The core idea is to enter new sectors, to diversify. For instance, the company invests in the manufacture of textile machines and equipment like escalators. But its core competence remains within food processing.

Cutting with knives, with rotating, stationary or scraping instruments, is where the most valuable expertise of BAADER lies. This proven technology calls for being expanded into related industries.

Using the know-how BAADER has tried and tested to develop a filleting machine, the BAADER engineers engage in the development of chicken processing solutions. Unlike fisheries, the poultry industry is not subject to seasonal fluctuations. It is this stability that the BAADER strategy is aiming for.

So, in 1984, the company introduces its first poultry filleting machine.

The first BAADER 640 chicken breast filleting machine

Despite the high technical expertise of BAADER, the company soon discovers that the market for poultry machinery is very competitive. It is dominated by established providers who hamper the BAADER plans to bring out new filleting solutions.

BAADER needs more than a single machine. In order to gain a competitive advantage, the provision of entire processing solutions is required – a production line of slaughtering and filleting machines.  

When Petra Baader takes over as Executive Chairwoman in the mid-90s, she intensifies the company’s acquisition activities to turn BAADER into a full solution provider for poultry processing. In 1997 BAADER takes over Johnson Food Equipment in USA, rounding its product portfolio.

Advertisment from BAADER Johnson in 2000

With the acquisition of LINCO Food Systems A/S, Denmark, in 2007, BAADER is able to meet its ambitions: offering entire poultry processing lines all over the world.

The two companies clearly assigned to BAADER

From Fin to Wing

By entering the poultry market, BAADER wants to gain more independence from the seasonal fish business

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Localising in Russia

When the Iron Curtain falls in 1989, it sparks a gold rush in Vladivostok: The Soviet Union is crumbling, along with its companies, Russian entrepreneurs are looking for contacts, and companies in the West scent opportunities on new markets. In 1992, BAADER joins forces with Russian shareholders to establish a service company, BAADER-Vostock-Service Ltd, on the Russian Pacific coast. It is one of the first joint ventures in the region.

Petra Baader opens the office in Vladivostok

Business relationships between Luebeck and Russia have existed since the 1930s. At the end of the 1980s, the Russians modernise their fishing fleet, acquiring around 50 new trawlers to catch Alaska pollock. This cod species is found in huge numbers in the northern Pacific, and the largest vessels in the new fleet can process up to 800 tonnes of these fish each day – using BAADER machines on board. All the machines have to be installed, adjusted, and supplied with spare parts. These tasks are carried out by the joint venture company, BAADER-Vostock-Service Ltd.

Conditions for developing the business in Vladivostok are demanding. There is close to no business infrastructure besides a disused factory building. Everything, from wall tiles to BAADER machines, has to be transported from Luebeck. And BAADER colleagues have to get used to Russian bureaucracy and electricity shortages.

Sending via fax

Uwe Wallis, Vladivostok Site Manager in his office

Nevertheless, the German-Russian collaboration produces fast-growing sales and good customer relationships. As well as technical expertise, the joint venture in Vladivostok offers good spare parts availability with reliable service advise. BAADER sets out to instil the values of its long-established Hanseatic firm at the new joint venture in Siberia.In the meantime, the site has been modernised and enlarged, but the company is still based in the same building. The seaport of Vladivostok with its 600,000 inhabitants has become an economic hub in the region and a bustling metropolis. The decision to set up the joint venture proves to have been a good one: BAADER-Vostock-Service Ltd is the only joint venture established at that time that is still in existence today. And the prospects are promising because, after 30 years, the Russian fishing fleet is gradually being modernised again. And, as before, there are BAADER machines from Lübeck on board.

A German-Russian Star is born

When the Iron Curtain falls, BAADER localises in Russia with the BAADER-Vostock-Service Ltd joint venture

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Stormy Times to take over Leadership

Following the untimely and unexpected death of her father, Petra Baader takes over responsibility for BAADER at the height of a crisis. At just 33 years old, she becomes the third generation of the Baader family to run the company.

Petra Baader, Executive Chairwoman in 1995

At this point, BAADER is in a very difficult economic situation. There are no orders from Russia, and international fishing quotas are reducing the demand for fish machines considerably. Aquaculture is still in its infancy at this point. External circumstances call for immediate action to adapt BAADER to the altered market conditions. Structural changes and capacity adjustments are unavoidable.

The need to let highly skilled employees presents BAADER with a huge challenge.

It is a critical time, and the company is simultaneously intensifying its activities in other markets. In order to reduce its dependence on wild fish, Petra Baader decides to invest in the expansion of the company’s business in the USA, and generally to increase its involvement in the poultry sector.

The major steps that Petra Baader takes during this phase as a young executive chairwoman steer the company onto the right track and back into a growth phase at the end of the 1990s.

Stormy Times

Perestroika and Fishing Quotas further increase Poultry Focus

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The BAADER Footprint in Chile

Chile is the world’s second largest supplier of salmon, after Norway. Annual production is around 700,000 tonnes.

In the early stages, BAADER machines in Chile are being serviced by travelling technicians from Luebeck. The rise of aquaculture and the associated boom in industrial salmon farming leads to a considerable growth in demand for BAADER processing solutions.

The large number of processing facilities and customers calls for a permanent local presence of BAADER in South America. In 2000, BAADER opens a sales office in Santiago, followed by a service station in Puerto Montt. This move proved to be successful.

By 2010, the success of the salmon industry, driven in part by BAADER machinery, makes it necessary to expand the service operations considerably. BAADER relocates all its Chilean activities to Puerto Montt, where it now has a workshop and assembly hall, as well as offices.

New BAADER Chile location in 2010 with bigger workshop and offices to provide new services such as overhauls and rebuilds

BAADER Chile technicians installing first killingmachine BA 101 onboard

Although BAADER solutions allow for seamless salmon processing, the development of Chile’s salmon industry is marked by highs and lows. Exporting to the USA gives the Chilean salmon industry access to a big and stable market, but also means it has to satisfy an ever-growing demand.

BAADER Chile tech showing mature fish while performing startup of the first killing machine onboard

Crises, linked to sea lice or the use of antibiotics, also cause repeated setbacks. Attempts are made to make the salmon industry in Chile less prone to crises by introducing new legislation and voluntary measures within the industry.

BAADER supports this process with new, even more efficient processing solutions, on-site availability and service excellence. The aim continues to work with customers and business partners to jointly tap the full potential of the Chilean salmon industry in a sustainable manner.

Unlocking the Chilean Market Potential

BAADER focuses on expanding the local service and sales business

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BAADER and Norway

Norway holds a special significance for BAADER. It is not just the country’s abundance of fish, but the long-standing, close ties between the BAADER family and the kingdom that have a lasting impact on the BAADER family firm. Fish plays a key role in Norway’s development as a country. The salmon industry, which produces 1.1 million tonnes per year, is one of the country’s most important sectors.

The expansion of aquaculture and the start of salmon farming create a sustainable industrial sector that is independent of fishing quotas. Fish is gutted by hand up until the mid-1990s, when the BAADER 142 salmon-gutting machine comes onto the market. A revolutionary feature of the new machine is that it can perform the ‘princess cut’ automatically. The ensuing mass production of salmon is made possible by BAADER machines that combine automated fileting and gutting processes.

Inside the BAADER 142

Advertisement for the automated „Princess Cut”of the BAADER 142

The rapid growth of the Norwegian salmon industry at the start of the 21st century calls for an increased local presence. In 2002, BAADER establishes a Norwegian subsidiary, BAADER Norge AS, with headquarters in Ålesund and a branch office in Tromsø. The two sites organise the sale of machines and spare parts and deal with machine installations and servicing.

Gisle Lervik and Øystein Ulla, Warehouse Workers in the stock office

Mechanic adjusting the BAADER 144

In 2012, BAADER Norge acquires Trio Food Processing in Stavanger, which specialises in skinning and pin-boning machines. The takeover secures the continued existence of Trio in Stavanger and the further development of Trio machines.

The latest BAADER solutions based on the BAADER 144, the successor to the BAADER 142 gutting machine, process salmon at speeds that set benchmarks for modern-day salmon processing. Numerous factories in Norway have been equipped with cutting-edge BAADER equipment. In 2018, BAADER sets another new standard for efficient salmon processing when it creates a complete factory solution.

Layout for a modern BAADER salmon line equipped fish factory

The close ties between Norway and BAADER are reflected in the Baader family’s involvement in the country. As early as 1968, Rudolf Baader looks after the affairs of Norwegian citizens in Germany in his role as Honorary Consul. In 1996, Petra Baader intensifies the family’s involvement in Norway after being appointed Honorary Consul by the Norwegian royal family.

Close-knit Ties between BAADER and Norway

How the history of BAADER is inextricably linked with the story of the Norwegian fisheries

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Joining forces

In 2007, BAADER takes over LINCO FOOD SYSTEMS A/S, an international mechanical engineering company based in Denmark, which specialises in poultry processing.

The friendly merger makes BAADER a complete systems provider in this segment.

Like BAADER, LINCO is a family-run company. It was set up by Knud Anker Lindholst on 1 August 1944 in Aarhus, Denmark. To start with, LINCO produces a range of machines. The founder probably develops an interest in poultry and poultry processing through his wife, Edith, who has worked as a secretary in a poultry factory.

Knud Lindholst (left), founder of LINCO FOOD SYSTEMS A/S

Lindholst quickly grasps the tasks and challenges of the industry: poultry processing is carried out by hand and is inefficient. It could be improved considerably through mechanisation and automation. Putting this idea into practice becomes Lindholst’s life’s work.

As far back as the late 1940s, LINCO develops simple poultry-processing machines, followed in the early 1950s by the first refrigeration units. Lindholst focuses on exports and, from the 1960s onwards, his machinery is supplied as versatile modules. LINCO finds solutions to challenges like food hygiene and animal welfare early on.

The founder’s two eldest sons, Jørgen and Svend Lindholst, join the family firm. When their father, Knud, retires from operations in 1971, Jørgen becomes managing director, and Svend takes over responsibility for research and development.

Jørgen Lindholst, one of Knud Lindholt’s sons

By the 1970s, the company already successfully exports its machines for processing poultry, especially chickens, turkeys and ducks, particularly to Eastern Europe, Israel, Arab countries and South Africa. In the following decades, LINCO builds a strong international network of branches and partners.

Poultry grading and sorting production line in the 1980s

LINCO pushes forward with the development of machinery, collaborating intensively with other companies. This results in a cut-up machine and a packing machine, among others. If it was not already, when LINCO takes over Dutch competitor Tieleman in 2004, it becomes one of the world’s leading manufacturers of poultry-processing machinery. From 2005 to its full acquisition by BAADER in 2009, LINCO is managed by Morten Lindholst, Jørgen’s son – the third generation of managers from the Lindholst family.

Svend and Morten Lindholst in 2007

The performance of the machines has risen significantly since the early years. Today, poultry firms equipped with LINCO machinery process up to 13,500 birds per hour.
Combining the best of fish and poultry expertise, creating synergies and working together to drive innovation are the tasks that BAADER has set itself for the future in its two main market segments.

Completing the poultry line

The friendly merger with LINCO FOOD SYSTEMS completes the BAADER poultry portfolio

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Worldwide, 2019. Various global trends are shaping the food industry. At the centre are increasingly conscious consumers. Conscious consumers are becoming more mindful about what they buy as they seek to combat some of the negative effects consumerism is having on the world. They seek traceability from farm to fork and water to plate and demand much higher standards in terms of quality, food safety, sustainability and animal welfare.Technological evolutions such as cell-cultured meat, 3D printing, new supermarket models and other digital innovations with the help of IoT are putting enormous pressure on established food industries.

Cultured Meat

Ideas such as how cell-cultured meat – meat production using cells grown in bioreactors, without all the environmental degradation that comes with raising and slaughtering livestock – might one day feed the global population are no longer centuries away.

3D Food Printing

Recent innovations have made possible machines that print, cook and serve food on a large scale. And the industry’s luminaries are not stopping there: 3D food printers could improve the nutritional value of meals, produce intricate sculptures out of everyday foodstuff and solve hunger in regions of the world that lack access to fresh, affordable ingredients.

Insects as Alternative Source of Proteins

Insects are appealing to the food and feed industry around the world as a high-quality source of proteins and edible oils with a significant source of vitamins and minerals. Protein and fat recovery factories, where insect protein is being processed, are popping up around the globe.

Ready-To-Eat and Grab-And-Go Meals

The rise of ready-to-eat and grab-and-go meals are shaping global food and beverage packing trends. Clever portioning methods can support this increasing demand.


Digitalisation is changing our economy and our society. Through new digital solutions, the food industry can reach previously unattainable levels of transparency, traceability, food safety and overall value chain performance resulting in new business models.

The BAADER Response

As a leading provider of food processing solutions, it becomes necessary for BAADER to leverage its competencies within these global trends. While its knowledge and experience in food processing technology is and remains the company’s core DNA, it simply is not enough anymore. BAADER is actively looking beyond its own value creation and is expanding its digital scope to all kinds of stakeholders working along food value chains.

100 years after founding, BAADER is renewing itself once again making it visible with a new appearance and brand promise. We Innovate Food Value Chains emphasises the four cornerstones of the BAADER mission: We are BAADER – One BAADER. And together we can drive Innovation covering the entire and several Value Chains in and beyond food processing with the goal of providing safe, quality and traceable Food to global consumers.

And as One BAADER, the company is celebrating its
100-year anniversary together with customers, employees and business partners – wherever they are.

2019 is a year of celebration for BAADER, looking back and looking ahead, a year of new beginnings.

A New Image

Worldwide, 2019. The global increasing consciousness about food origin and quality is shaping the entire food value chain …

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“For 100 years, we have helped innovate food value chains while staying true to the values that made it possible to be where we are today."

- Petra Baader -

From design and features to applications and operations, our products and services represent the latest in technology, innovation and quality. Our new branding and brand promise reflect the past, current and future direction of the entire BAADER Group.

That said, we’re still the same down-to-earth, family-run company looking forward to the next 100 years.

When you are passionate about what you do, it is amazing how quickly time passes by. One moment you are a small, family-run company in the north of Germany and the next you’re a global corporation providing modern digital solutions to innovate food value chains.

It’s now been exactly 100 years since everything began and much has changed. This year, we are renewing ourselves once again, working on being tuned into the demands and challenges of the digital world.

100 Years of Commitment and Competence

1919 - 2019